文章来源:SNN学生双语新闻读写 SNN新闻选题:无人机活动 发现!加州被称为金州的第六个理由! 2017年8月7日 #活动#新闻#SNN学生新闻 加州,又被誉为“金州”, 在这其中是有原因的,或许很多人认为这是因为加州之前的淘金热潮,但是这其实只是其中一个原因,网上介绍的其他原因有:金色是加州官方颜色之一,金色的 罂粟花,加州的金门大桥以及太平洋上的日落等等。就连加州旅游局都发布微博说: 这张照片足以说明为什么我们又叫做金州(the Golrden State)——摄于河滨(Riverside)的加州柑橘州历史公园(California Citrus State Historic Park),日落时分 Photo by Daniel Orth 但除了上述五种原因之外, SNN学生记者们还认为加州的美称“金州”还有第六个含义,那就是加州金黄的山丘和秋天的落叶都组成了一幅美如画的风景。 那么,SNN小记者的下一个活动选题就是去加州金黄的山丘上使用无人机拍摄一组“金州”的图片。家里有无人机的小记者们也可以带着哦。 活动地点:34 Shady Canyon, Irvine, CA 92603 有意参与的小记者们请和SNN联系。 相关资料:5 Reasons Why California is Called the Golden State Every state in the United States has a nickname, and sometimes it’s obvious why these nicknames exist, while other times it can be difficult to figure out why. For example, it’s pretty obvious why Florida is considered the Sunshine State, being that it experiences summer and springtime weather all year long and it’s the destination for winter travellers who want to stay in the country and head to the beach. But why is California nicknamed the Golden State? Continue reading for five reasons. Then check out these travel tips if you’re planning on heading out there to see the state and all that it has to offer. One of the State’s Official Colours Gold is actually one of the state of California’s official colours. Designated in 1951, the two state colours are gold and blue. Blue is representative of the sky and the sea, of which there is plenty in California, thanks to its expansive coastline and beautiful beaches, as well as its high mountains and open deserts. 文章来源:SNN学生双语新闻读写 转载声明: 本文为转载发布,仅代表原作者或原平台观点或立场,不代表我方观点。亚太菁英传媒及旗下澳洲门户网(ozportal.tv)仅提供信息发布平台,文章或有适当删改。对转载有异议和删稿要求的原著方,可联络info@ozportal.tv。 |