文章来源:一洛基英语一 1、少拍照,少摄影,少怀念,没有未来的人才会老念叨过往。 Less less pictures, photography, little miss, a man is not old no future chanting past. 2、拿着照相机走遍中国每一所城市里的每一处角落的摄影人。 With a camera through all China's every city in every corner of the photographer. 3、要拍摄的时候,摄影师问我哪里最美,我退后一步指向你。 Shot, the photographer asked me where is the most beautiful, I step back to you.
4、摄影语言自成体系,更为重要的是,它是一种观察和伦理学。 Photographic language sui generis, more importantly, it is a kind of observation and ethics. 5、曾经我想当个流浪的吟游诗人,刚刚我想当个流浪的摄影者。 Once I want to be a wandering minstrel, just I want to be a wandering the photographer. 6、摄影,只不过是一场记录孤独往事的过程,然而我却乐在其中。 Photography is only a lonely past process, but I enjoy it. 7、我渴望捕捉我眼前所有的美,经过长期的努力,终于如愿以偿。 I am eager to capture the beauty in front of my eyes all, through long-term efforts to finally get it. 8、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。 God also must be a photographer, he said on the first day of creation: let there be light. 9、生命本身不是现实。我们是那些把生命注入石头和鹅卵石的人。 Life itself is not real. We are the people who put life into stones and pebbles. 文章来源:一洛基英语一 转载声明: 本文为转载发布,仅代表原作者或原平台观点或立场,不代表我方观点。亚太菁英传媒及旗下澳洲门户网(ozportal.tv)仅提供信息发布平台,文章或有适当删改。对转载有异议和删稿要求的原著方,可联络info@ozportal.tv。 |