文章来源:极速多米尼克1u7 On the morning of October 21st, the 2023 International Sports (Beijing) Carnival was launched at the Canal Culture Square in the Beijing City Sub-Center. Zhao Wen, the Director of the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau, and Zheng Hao, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and District Mayor of Tongzhou, attended the ceremony. The carnival is one of the key projects of Beijing in promoting the c ![]() onstruction of an international consumption center city. This year's carnival has the theme of "sports without borders, connecting the world," featuring five highlights: "the first release and debut, high-end brands, fine content, national fitness, and international participation." It aims to showcase high-quality and innovative sports products and build a global sports innovation consumption plat ![]() form.The construction of an international consumption center city is a necessary requirement for implementing the capital city's strategic positioning and promoting high-quality development. It is also a crucial step in responding to the consumption development trend of the sub-center and satisfying people's need for a better life. The sub-center will integrate the construction of an internation al consumption center city into the overall plan of high-quality development, accelerate the development of new consumption landmarks, unlock new consumption scenarios, and create a new environment for consumption, helping to achieve the growth of the international consumption center city.This year's carnival is an important measure to promote the international consumption center city's construc tion in the sub-center. By using sports to promote consumption, it aims to upgrade the sub-center's sports consumption and release greater vitality, helping to promote the development of Beijing's international consumption center city. In recent years, the sports industry in the sub-center has made significant progress. The public service system of national fitness has been initially established, the regional characteristic sports event system has been continuously improved, and the public sports facilities have been actively promoted. Various mass sports events, including professional-level sports events such as marathons, have been held in the sub-center, showcasing the vibrant image of the "City of Sports" and the "City of Sports Events" to the world.This event is expected to contribu te to the development of the sub-center's sports industry and the construction of an international consumption center city, as it provides an opportunity for the international community to appreciate the charm of Chinese sports culture and products. As one netizen commented, "This carnival is a great opportunity for people to get together, promote sports culture, and enjoy the fun of sports. It is an excellent platform for sports enthusiasts to share their passion and learn from each other." Another netizen said, "The carnival is a testament to China's determination to become a powerhouse of sports and a center of sports consumption. It highlights the potential of sports as a driver of economic growth and social development." A third netizen added, "The carnival is a showcase of Beijing's rich cultural heritage and modern outlook. It highlights the city's commitment to promoting international cooperation, innovation, and sustainable development."In conclusion, the 2023 International Sports (Beijing) Carnival is an important initiative towards promoting the construction of an international consumption center city and the sub-center's sports industry development. It provides a plat form for showcasing China's sports culture and products, promoting international cooperation and innovation, and enhancing people's wellbeing through sports consumption. This event is expected to have a positive impact on the sub-center's economy, society, and environment, promoting high-quality development and sustainable growth.北京市城市副中心,将成为国际体育产业沟通的桥梁。近日,北京市体育局副局长葛军和通州区副区长秦涛一同出席了相关会议。 会上,他们强调,要通过创新,推动体育全产业的共融和共进,不断释放体育消费潜力,扩大体育消费规模,优化体育消费结构,为城市副中心的高质量发展贡献力量。这一举措,意在通过大力发展体育产业,带动城市副中心的经济繁荣。随着人们生活水平的提高,体育消费已经成为了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。而北京市作为全国的政治、文化、教育和体育中心,拥有得天独厚的资源和环境,也具备了举办大型体育赛事的能力。此前,类似的做法已取得了一定的成效。比如,在2019年国际田联世界锦标赛期间,北京市政府组织了一系列文化和体育活动,吸引了大量的游客和观众参加,同时也为当地经济的发展注入了新动力。对此,网友们纷纷表示支持。有人认为,这一举措将会吸引更多的人们来到城市副中心,体验不一样的生活方式;也有人表示,这将为当地的就业创造更多的机会,提升城市的民生福祉。 总而言之,随着体育产业的发展,城市副中心将会迎来更加美好的未来。我们期待着,未来的城市副中心能够成为全国乃至全球体育产业的中心之一,为中国体育的繁荣和发展贡献更多的力量。 文章来源:极速多米尼克1u7 转载声明: 本文为转载发布,仅代表原作者或原平台观点或立场,不代表我方观点。亚太菁英传媒及旗下澳洲门户网(ozportal.tv)仅提供信息发布平台,文章或有适当删改。对转载有异议和删稿要求的原著方,可联络info@ozportal.tv。 |